Make, Model and Colour Recognition
Extremely high accuracy Make, Model and Colour (MMC) Recognition is now available for PC and on embedded camera systems in real-time. With a training database of over 470 makes and 7500 models Vaxtor’s MMC can provide accurate data enabling traffic analytics, rapid incident searching and Know Your Customer (KYC) data.
No calibration is needed and the software automatically determines each vehicle’s orientation making deployment much easier.
MMC can enable the detection of false plates improving Access Control at high security sites or combatting congestion and clean air zone fraud. Developed to be utilised on real-world networks and video feeds including CCTV cameras it decreases network bandwidths and hardware costs, while increasing response times and powering your edge-based traffic systems.
MMC can also be used in conjunction with VClass Identification.

Features & benefits
High Accuracy identifies 7500 models
Zero Calibration
High Speed Operation
Available embedded on camera
Multiple integration and reporting options including ACS, Milestone, Genetec & MXMC Smart Data

Vehicle Classification
Powerful Vehicle Classification (VClass) Identification is now available for both PC and embedded camera platforms in real-time.
The software recognises passing vehicles using the license plate and the image of the vehicle is instantly analysed and the vehicle class is reported.
Classes include Motorcycle, Car, Van, Bus, Truck etc. and are reported along with the license plate and other metadata to any connected Back Office or VMS.
Vehicle Classification can be used to validate charges on private road usage removing the need for expensive annual audits and to help monitor and control local and city-wide congestion and clean air zones and reduce fraud. Deployment at the edge decreases network bandwidth and associated hardware costs.
VClass can also be used in conjunction with MMC recognition.

Features & benefits
Vehicle classification for 5 different categories and growing
Zero Calibration
Real Time Reporting
Available embedded on camera or PC
Multiple integration and reporting options including ACS, Milestone, Genetec & MXMC Smart Data

VaxALPR Speed
VaxALPR Speed is a separately licensable product which adds an instantaneous speed measurement capability to the ALPR software.
Available for both PC and embedded camera platforms, the software uses the precise size, position and timing of approaching license plates to accurately determine the speed of the vehicle to within a few percent in real time.
The software works best on front plates as these tend to be set at a consistent height from the ground and once calculated, the instantaneous speed is reported along with the license plate and other metadata to any connected Back Office or VMS.
VaxALPR Speed can be used to monitor traffic flow in a Smart City environment – or to control the speed of vehicles on large industrial compounds or campusses. Running onboard ALPR cameras at the edge decreases network bandwidth and associated hardware costs.
VaxSpeed can also be used in conjunction with MMC recognition.

Features & benefits
Instantaneous Speed Measurement from a single camera
Single Pass Calibration
90%+ Accuracy
Available embedded on camera or PC
Multiple integration and reporting options including ACS, Milestone, Genetec & MXMC Smart Data

ADR Dangerous Goods Recognition
ADR is an acronym for “Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route” and the European standard enforcing the display of orange ADR plates on the front and rear of vehicles transporting dangerous goods.
Vaxtor’s ADR Recognition identifies the HIN (Hazard Identification Number) and 4-digit UN Kemler Code enabling and improving site safety, emergency response on motorways and in tunnels.
Accurately and automatically identifying any vehicles carrying Radioactive, Corrosive, Flammable etc. materials can ensure emergency response vehicles understand the potential situation and respond with the correct information, saving time and lives.

Features & benefits
High Accuracy reading two-line plates
Complex scenario support
High Speed Operation
Available embedded on camera
Multiple integration and reporting options including ACS, Milestone, Genetec & MXMC Smart Data

Red-Light Enforcement
VaxALPR Red-light is Vaxtor’s Video Analytics software solution for detecting and recording vehicles which ignore red traffic lights increasing the safety of road users and pedestrians. It provides conclusive evidence for penalties including sequenced images of the complete violation sequence and automatic recognition of the license plate.
The status of the traffic light is detected by imaging technology and so it is not necessary to incorporate any physical connection between the Vaxtor system and the traffic signals. Having a wired or physical connection can compromise safety and so Vaxtor’s accurate high resolution video monitoring detects violations safely.
VaxALPR Red-light can also be configured to cover multiple lanes at intersections. Each ALPR camera monitors a single lane of traffic and VaxALPR Red-light supports a maximum of 4 ALPR cameras per signal. Recognition is taken from the rear of the vehicles to ensure a clear image of both the traffic light and the vehicle passing through the stop line.

Features & benefits
Opto-isolated Red-light detection
Multi-lane support
ALPR of violating vehicles
Evidence collation
High Accuracy
Multi-Camera support
High Speed Operation